Volunteers Wanted

Featured Jobs

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21+, Post-con, Pre-con, Seated, Truck driving

RESPONSIBILITIES: Drive 24-26'' size box trucks around the city. At least 5 years driving experience preferred. Experience with driving large vehicles a plus.

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Heavy lifting, Post-con, Pre-con, With team

Must be able to lift at least 50 lbs.

We need help moving stuff! Lots of stuff! Most of it is on wheels.

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Pre-con design, Managing staff

Design system to support the various dance events in this space: club dances, Renaissance ball, swing dance, English country dance, etc. Some of these will likely have live music.

Help Wanted

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Also, check the Org Chart — a position without a name might be open. If you fill out a volunteer form, we'll try to find a position for you.

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Yoga Area Head

The Yoga Area Head recruits instructors and helps schedule the individual sessions. The Yoga Area Head acts as Event Liaison for those yoga events.

